Thursday, February 1, 2018


February 1st -- response to Vince and Karen's response to Geoff's excellent Conscious Elders Community Conversation today:  -- A SELF-REGULATING EARTH -- Gaia Theory and Deeptimewalk 💙

Vince you write about our normalizing violence, power and wealth -- thus compounding inequality and divisiveness which for me can be greatly explained by Iain McGilchrist's The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World. But the question is, how to use our heads -- and hearts -- to apply understanding of his or any thesis to aid in self-regulating ourselves! Iain prudently won't touch gender issues though it is hard not to draw parallels with his brain asymmetry and the 80% men who run Washington, Wall Street, the world of Tech and pretty much everything else. And increasingly, our lives and the future dubiously shaped by the brilliant impersonal metrics of ( left-hemisphere) algorithms.

As a #MeToo and early Feminist, I'm horrified to admit being grateful to Trump! His titanically extreme example of the hyper-masculine, patriarchal system, dominating this country -- as you succinctly put it, Sunny -- is actually helping inocculate us from the toxic shadow of the embedded capitalist/consumer/bullying system he embodies!  As Joanna Macy would say -- things breaking apart for a break-through to emerge. Amen!

There is SO much women owe you men. You have been fodder for war. Is it any wonder so many are closed off from feelings. Seen Dunkirk? And you, Richard -- in Vietnam?

Of course with women alongside -- but for better and worse -- how much men have conjured we so easily for granted: iPhones/apps/Google/Apple/Facebook/Twitter/Uber/Zoom/cars/boats/planes/TV/electric light/the printing press/penicillin/plastic/exploration/engineering/architecture/religion/government/banking/politics/the wheel/ art/music and on and on and on! Changing the chemistry of this Planet in the process, and we Boomer's have had the best of it.

Hard to argue with Stephan saying we are doomed, but CEN and this group is a reassuring example of the consciousness that perhaps could help turn our species around? More than anything, via men with heart and soul and an integration of the best of the Feminine and Masculine. I'm doing my feeble best to encourage conversations locally to hopefully increase our understanding and acceptance of each other. A few hard-data understandings from biology and neuroscience we didn't know decades ago can help reduce polarization and judgement.

Methinks however, pivotal to it all this pearl of wisdom from a Men's Movement workshop 30 years ago -- where women were invited -- led by the venerable Robert Bly and Sam Keen who got the ball rolling by confessing "the trouble is, when we men open our flies, our brains fall out"!  Thereby hangs the most natural primal bodily need to preserve and reproduce. One that deserves to be more fully accepted and acknowledged and as basic birds and bees...and we females have surely played our part.  

But the need to meet and listen and talk about all this, and to suspend judgement and pull on the oars together is surely one course to chart? In the process, doing more about making conscious our unchecked urge for survival that's bringing about its opposite -- before we we founder for ever on some faraway shore.  We are all in the same boat after all!

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