Saturday, June 11, 2011

Climate Dots Connected -- thanks to Bill McKibben

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

In Wildness Is the Preservation of the World

And one giant step back for wilderness protection:

In a memo to Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Director Bob Abbey, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar today confirmed that, pursuant to the 2011 Continuing Resolution, the BLM will not designate any lands as "Wild Lands." - US Department of the Interior Press Release, June 1, 2011

Thursday, April 28, 2011


from Scientific American: 
Congress has finally acted on global warming—by denying it exists. It’s in the grand lawmaking tradition of the Indiana state legislature’s 1897 attempt to redefine the value of pi. 

The Republican-led House of Representatives is currently working on the Energy Tax Prevention Act of 2011, which would bar the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating carbon dioxide emissions to mitigate climate change.

In the House Energy and Commerce Committee, California Democrat Henry Waxman had proposed an amendment calling on Congress to at least acknowledge that “warming of the climate system is unequivocal,” just as abundant scientific evidence confirms.

But on Tuesday, March 15, all the committee’s Republicans voted down that amendment, as well as two others acknowledging the threat of climate change to public well-being. Rep. Ed Markey, Democrat from Massachusetts, had this to say:

“I rise in opposition to a bill that repeals the scientific finding that pollution is harming our people and our planet. However, I won’t rise physically, because I’m worried that Republicans will overturn the law of gravity, sending us floating.”
—John Rennie


  • From the World Science Festival, 2011: For all we understand about the universe, 96% of what’s out there still has scientists in the dark. Astronomical observations have established that familiar matter—atoms—accounts for only 4% of the weight of the cosmos. The rest—dark matter and dark energy—is invisible to our telescopes. But what really is this dark stuff? How do we know it’s there? And what does it do? From the formation of galaxies to the farthest reaches of space, it appears that darkness rules. Without dark matter and dark energy, the universe today and in the far future would be a completely different place. Join us in a discussion with leading researchers who smash together particles, dive into underground mines, and explore the edges of the known universe in search of clues to nature’s dark side....." 

And some Jungians might muse -- dark and matter = the Feminine, as in: 
Lilith-The First Eve: Historical and Psychological Aspects of the Dark Feminine 
Siegmund Hurwitz   

The Chestnut Tree at Schumacher College, in Devon


Tax breaks to Exxon, Chevron, et al

jude asphar
The time has come! Tell Congress to end the $4 billion a year in handouts to oil companies: @

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Wood Anemone --Anemone quinquefolia

A counterfoil. To too many negative reflections of humanity's doings.
An uncommon, iridescent purple anemone -- all of half an inch wide. Not a cinquefoil but septfoil?
Just picked. Only one.

Kiltering Our Off Kilter Brains!

For me, the gleanings here reflect how our society -- dominated by the left, generally 'Masculine' (though not exclusive to men) hemisphere of the brain at the cost of the right, generally 'Feminine', (though not exclusive to women) -- is what perpetuates our world out of balance.  And if we keep going this way, we'll end up where we're headed.

Our life-support system -- this planet -- is in peril. Our skewed priorities compound economic, political, social, religious, and environmental instability. So much boils down to a left hemisphere dominance that discounts most anything that cannot be measured. We can't easily measure the elements of the natural world that creates and sustains our existence. Nor have we been able to measure the most worthwhile qualities of human nature that truth be told, we long for the most: kindness; caring; acceptance; affection; generosity; understanding; forgiveness; compassion, companionship. Except now, thanks to neuroscience the impact of Love -- or it's lack -- is pretty much measurable in the neural pathways of the brain.

For more understanding of many of the enormously complex (yet simple) roots of our nature,  see Iain McGilchrist's The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World. And Dan Siegel's Mindsight -- And Norman Doidge's The Brain That Changes Itself

Monday, April 25, 2011

A time of deceit?

"In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." -- George Orwell

The rich get richer and the......

Comparisons -- corporate CEO vs lowest paid worker ( 
CEO to minimum wage earner ratio ( 

CEO's made 51 times the minimum wage earner in 1965, and 821 times the minimum wage earner in 2006.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Going Back to Sleep
January 5th/6th, 2011
last night
BBC World Service
reported how many women and girls are being raped in Haiti
in the camps
in the night I heard
that the inoperable, now flooded, coal mines in Queensland mean that the quarter of the world's
coal supplies customarily mined there has come to a grinding halt so
there’ll likely be a shortage of steel....for washing machines and cars
this morning I heard the Australian military are shipping water into the flooded area because their water plants are under water
last night I heard that Argentina has had a bad yield of corn and its one of the biggest producers of corn on the planet
and because of the US subsidizing ethanol, on top of that
coupled with reduced wheat harvests
mean there is likely a food crisis ahead
and prices are going up 
because oil is now $90+ a gallon
and in Abu Dabi
50% of the population are diabetic
but the country has a small population so it will be manageable
and Ireland and Greece and Portugal and probably Spain
are putting inordinate pressures on the Euro because their debt has not decreased in 6 months
and so that is freaking the Bond Markets who are keeping them afloat
so they’ve increased the interest rates to 3.6% something, from 1% something
or even more which makes the countries debt burden bigger and bigger
and the world increasing interdependence more and more vulnerable
and if the Euro falls apart
because Germany doesn’t want to prop everybody else up....?
it will shake global currency
and two nights ago on Charlie Rose
the blonde British editor of the Economist said the same thing about the US
if the US doesn’t face the pain and make the people pay
it will shake the global currency
because countries, goverments, are not going to want to cut wages of the people
after the people have been screwed by bank bought politicians
‘too unpopular’ -- there is, after all, an election coming up in 2012
it was a question of
domestic economy vs sticking to the gold standard --
voters dont want to pay the price
short term
so what
so when... long term
-- a month? a year? or two?
Because we’re intended to ignore these facts and successfully do
it means
this finite Planet has little more to give
Her penguins and Ring Seals and Killer Whales and Polar bears, and
Narwals who need ice to survive
are not able to cope
because ice is becoming water again
on this litle blue Earth
that is not ours
it is we who are hers.