Monday, October 16, 2017

thoughts before Being Fearless, at Omega...

.... an attempt at fearless...a plea from me, a seventy year old Feminist

and Environmentalist ...and one who loves men!
and who for decades has vehemently criticized their unquestioned dominance
and now
deeply alarmed at the extreme, hyper-masculinization of this country
and what, every other but Iceland?
this to say nothing of the centuries-old intractable violation of women around the world 
and the ongoing dismissal of Feminine Principles.
for which today, more than ever
life on Earth is paying a price.

Perpetuated by the masculinized influence of science and technology swiftly accelerating and disuniting global dynamics

men — yes mostly the work of men — for all their stratospheric brilliance increasing our galactic, connect-ability, AI, and ironically diluting individual identity thus igniting a new crisis, 
a new uncertainty

All spinning so much faster than our outmoded systems can manage

—like those governing the US for a few hundred years —
the imbalance is more intractable and complex every day
a protracted destabilization occurring around us
is there a Center that will hold?
for there is a crack in everything —
among nations; in politics; democracy, the law; our environment; economy; the media; education; gender; race; religion; work, immigration; health-care; corporate monopolies,
and more than anything our ethics, principles, integrity and honesty;
and most importantly
our children's future, all life on earth....and this planet, herself

BUT, HERE’S SOME GOOD NEWS, if we’d use it!

there is HARD DATA we have access to now to apply and—hopefully— wisely adopt so we adapt in time -- it makes women’s lived experience more quantifiable and legit — something we can optimize now —information we didn’t know a few years ago...

the infinitesimal, but staggeringly significant, neurological/biological/molecular/differences that exist between women and men . . .

It gives us a new way to accept and define and forgive ourselves and that opposite ‘other’ and to seek to bridge and heal the gaps

needed now more than ever

it is for all of us to acknowledge one more valid reason for women to fearlessly heed ourselves 
and to be heeded

— our hearts and brains are needed — as never before! —

The most violent way women have suffered for eons

—depicted clearly this week by the Weinstein example has at least broken a silence —
it is still too grotesquely commonplace in too many places around the world, and, alas, still muzzled And, no, not forgiving that ‘predatory’ behavior most of us know only too well.

But, if we tap into our fearlessness and the best of who we are, now we have more reason to rationalize (if we need to) and understand each other more than ever before

and to soften the blame and projections now that neuroscience offers a new way


to be deeply grateful for this science and what it tells us
about ourselves
of qualities more innate in women that make us more neurologically,‘prosocial’ than men.
Crucially — we are less inclined to need power than the biological dictates of the “extreme male brain” Women’s more natural empathy— out of which ethics emerge, shows us to be more innately moral than men,

helps explain why ethics are so lacking in Washington and Wall Street (80+% male)

Isn’t it our responsibility then, we women?

(and you, the many men, who, thankfully, get it!)
to be confident activating and speaking up for more feminine inclinations? More reason to speak out— however imperfectly — for the greater good And why not reach out to men in new ways, not to seduce, or negate or shame —or to feed the objectification in skin-tight clothes and six inch heels
but to acknowledge and empathize — using our strength
to tap into what we know in our bodies and bones
...that have born us all....

As this planet tilts and our world shifts

gender roles morph — masculine & feminine merge — not without resistance
young men’s fears and needs surface—vulnerability not just women’s turf any more 
as we become tougher
and it seems necessarily vociferous for vulva and vagina, thus we become more daunting —
what is a guy to do these days? 
Today some response manifests in a growing ‘broculture’— 
men looking more to each other for support 
Others band together in Silicon Valley to counter their protesting women subordinates
One heartwarming sign, the existence of an awesome organization like
standing for open-ness, honesty and ethics
“a conversation no one is having”
check them out — there’s a lot there to teach us all.

Yes, it is up to us — all

to use our deepest human understanding from which ethics emerge to stand alongside men
in ways that, up until now because they have been unquantifiable have not counted in this culture
the ways of — yes, love —- and caring — and connection
and the knowing that, like it or not
women or man, black or white, old or young
we’re all in this together
and this Mother Earth, is in the meantime what gives us and sustains life 
For now, she is the only home we have....
....this little blue planet 
whose destiny, is our destiny’.....

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