Some thoughts on this day, to all you dear, out-of-the-box, friends and relations who in one way or the other are working for, or rooting for, real systemic change. July 4th 1776 -- this day when King George -- what was it lV fourth? Nope, lll -- wrote in his diary "nothing of great import happened today."
We damn Brits, got a lot to answer for. Not least our part in taking over this country. Or the North American continent I should say. And doing so violently and arrogantly and cruelly, taking-- body, land and soul -- from First Nations peoples. Embarrasses me to this day, as it should. Yes --okay -- same way as our lands and lives were battled over and shaped by Picts and Scots and Celts and Romans and Gaels and Vikings and Angles and gypsies and a few survivors from the Armada I guess too! But when you think about the way the US was founded, from Europeans escaping their lack of freedom in home countries thence only to inflict horrendous violence and religion upon others, while stealing their lands. When we know better now, how come these cycles of unconscious and primitive patterns continue? When what humanity is causing is leading to the destruction of its/our life source --- the very thing we collectively and culturally deny, ie, our own death and demise -- WTF homo sapiens?!
In the process -- we, Boomers especially who have had it so relatively easy -- inevitably, and okay -- unintentionally, have been a big part of perpetuating the irreversable environmental consequences of that history. Daily made more extreme by the staggering escalation of Trump within this blatantly unethical system that enables him. He from German and Scottish immigrants. That said, I suppose it is no wonder there is something about American politics -- certainly what has morphed into today's version that is based on such blatant dis-honesty. As Zephyr Teachout accurately explains in her book about corruption, back through the generations. And, due to the worst of the patriarchy that's so desperately fighting for its life right now in this, and other countries. And yes, back to those, white, British, models adopted by Ben Franklin.
That said, how do we deal with the enormously complex and painful issues of immigration we're in the thick of right now, in the ways that it has to change so much of what so many of us have been able to take for granted--national and personal identities, and thus so much to do with the roots of who we are. And yes, here we are now -- of course all benefiting greatly -- thus complicit in the destabilization. At least I'm accepting the extent to which I am, as I sit here with the luxury of so many things: -- four fans working!; fingers on this keyboard; knowing there's something somewhere in the fridge to cobble together for lunch; and later the Woodstock Farm Market for Aba's falafel and today for the short season of shelling peas and music from the Bunkhouse Boys! So, yes, a day --- as we should on any other -- to remember to be grateful for all we do have, especially compared to many millions of others, including here in this discombobulating moment of time, the world over. As Joanna Macy is wont to say -- breakdown is a necessary part of breaking through. Crisis as opportunity, and all that.
But, -- thankfully -- out of many -- one very sweet for today, for the first time as you know, a Native American woman -- Deb Haaland (actually she is half Norwegian, but that's almost as good) in New Mexico who looks like she may be the first of her people to be voted into Congress!! Yeehaaaa, I say! Let the best of Matriarchal values have their day again -- and let it be soon!
Thanks for bearing with these thoughts aloud, if you have! And with that, love to all of you lovely ones --
and yep, for better and worse -- but mostly fo' mo' betta .
...Happy Birthday America!
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