Thursday, February 23, 2017
Dr Jim Doty's Magic Shop review--Neural Correlates of the Heart
The Neural Correlates of the Heart – Scientific and ...
Straddling...lefts and rights
Most of us have had it easy, here in America. Speaking for myself, we boomers have/had it too easy. Uncomfortably hoist now, on our own petards, we’re faced with ourselves and this trumpery we brought about — consequences of our comfort and indolence, freedoms and ease.
Jung talked about the ‘tension of the opposites’ — of bearing the burden of being pulled betwixt and between, of this way and that, of spirt and matter, hubris and humility, anger and anxiety, love and fear of its lack, or loss-- just think about how many make life what it is. And here we are in America -- impaled upon a cross, pulled between left and right, Republican and Democrat...and within each of those ...differences, that brought about mind boggling brilliane and creativity -- I mean --- how did those 7 new planets which are millions of light years away, come to be spotted from here! How are there millions of people flying around in the air above us right now? How are we still having to protect our turf like primates as if we didn't now know better -- as if we didn't know we're all in this together and that cooperate would be a better thing to guide us, than corporate....and thankfully, this is just me talking to myself!
But what about all THE OPPOSITES WITHIN WHICH WE EXIST….ours to resolve ...and to consider ..we can’t have one, without the other, there would not be one, without the other...
spirit/matter father/mother body/soul life/death day/night inner/outer male/female implicit/explicit introvert/extrovert anima/animus conscious/unconscious either/or up/down on/off in/out I/thou right/wrong left/right — (hands/hemispheres/politics) dark/light true/false truth/lies future/past open/closed heart/soul young/old X/Y chromosomes sleep/awake black/white attract/repel expand/contract this way/and that loud/silent stop/start self/other
knowing/unknowing love/hate courage/fear high/low fast/slow easy/hard less/more short/long north/south east/west good/bad fixed/flexible plus/minus offense/defense tight/loose social/anti-social rich/poor push/pull
together/apart heavy/light thick/thin short term/long term add/subtract objective/subjective hope/despair problem/solution
parent/child big/small shallow/deep measurable/immeasurable safe/dangerous absent/present sun/moon blunt/pointed
overt/covert obvious/obscure happy/sad win/loose first/last few/many give/take beautiful/ugly bright/dull empty/full
hungry/satiated asleep/awake him/her deny/accept offer/receive local/global circle/square multiply/divide add/subtract
sooner/later back/front straight/curve affirm/deny listen/speak war/peace long term/short term summer/winter
spring/fall selfish/unselfish clean/dirty loose/tight cooked/raw abstract/concrete theory/practice mountain//valley
sea/shore wild/tame similar/different weak/strong yours/mine town/country apples/oranges dogs/cats
rural/urban guns/no guns drunk/sober crisis/opportunity truth/lies competitive/cooperative wet/dry friend/enemy sweet/sour there no there no end?
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Left, Right, or Center?
Left, Right, or Center?
The day after the election, flying back across the Atlantic — Edinburgh to Newark, Europe to the USA, headlines of British and Irish newspapers were full of it —“from this moment on, its going to be America First” , “Trump Offers A Fearful Vision”, “Trump’s New World Order Begins” A clenched fisted “America First”, “Trump is Hired YOU’RE FIRED”, “In God We Trust”, and in The (Glasgow) Herald —“The World Holds its Breath”.
It was — is — good to be home here in the Hudson Valley after what was an intrepid January trip — over the sea to Skye — one of the most dramatic and darkly beautiful islands in Scotland’s Inner Hebrides. We’d journeyed there to visit psychiatrist and literary scholar, Dr. Iain McGilchrist, and to chew over questions about our off-kilter world, about how human-nature is tinkering with the chemistry of the planet and thus with its — and our — future.
Unpacking some of McGilchrist’s evolutionary answers from his decades of research into The Divided Brain is a prod for us to take a hard look at where we are, and why, and how, and to figure out what it would take to alter course — not least, because of the current destabilizing bluster and bungled state of American affairs.
For those of us whipsawed, daily, by the increasingly divisive assault on democracy, perhaps it is a prudent time to remember what John Muir said a hundred years ago: —“that when we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe”. McGilchrist’s expansive work on The Divided Brain — soon to be premiered in a “mind-altering” Canadian documentary — reflects Muir’s prescient perspective, so lost in our global shuffle. Thanks to neuroscience, we now have the benefit of a ground-breaking thesis to tackle the unhitched thinking that dominates the workings of the Western World!
As the Washington/Wall Street cabal takes over the country we’d be wise to heed McGilchrist’s warnings, distilled as they are from his extraordinarily wide fields of research in philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, history, literature, myth, art and music. His critical point::- without recognition of longer-term, big-picture thinking we’re leaving ourselves, our children, and all life-on-earth increasingly vulnerable to irreversible environmental, economic, social and political instability.
With more neural connections in our heads than the 100,000 galaxies in the universe — not exactly hard to compute that brains are a tad more complex than the old ‘emotion on the right, reason on the left’. In his momentous and much acclaimed volume from 2009 The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World - McGilchrist defines the subtle and not-so-subtle differences between our brain’s separate lateral halves — left and right hemispheres. The left side now seen to be more fixed, analytic, mechanistic, systematizing, and detached, while the proclivities of the right, less verbal, more visual, flexible, synthesizing, and most crucially — contextual.
Paradoxically, the polarizing political Left and Right are the reverse of our brains! The short-sighted, authoritarian, silo’d metrics of the left-hemisphere pretty much tag the Republican Right, while the inclusive, less rigid, broader-based, unquantifiables of the right-hemisphere, closer to the Democratic Left. Worth noting that the less concise and more holistic Democratic platform is harder to sum-up and convey in succinct soundbites compared to the GOP’s sharp, hierarchical, proclamations.
We are duly cautioned then, that by leaving the left-brain — which, by the way, “is the side that does not know what it does not know”! — to its customary power-hungry devices, it will keep compounding our increasingly fractious political and financial systems and their far-reaching consequences. That said, while McGilchrist credits the left-brain’s staggering scientific brilliance and stratospheric technological merits, he emphasizes our hemispheres naturally coexist and function together. Now, more than ever it is ours to differentiate and acknowledge each hemispheres’ fundamentally opposite sets of values and qualities to better judge where and how we go from here — while we still have time.
In the interest of stepping into fewer mine-fields and maintaining a focus on his invaluable and densely researched thesis on the right/left divide (one that’s controversial for some with left-brained leanings!) McGilchrist deliberately avoids touching on any parallel with gender opposites. He leaves it to us — women, and thankfully also many men — who resonate with his unequivocal left-hemispheric affirmation and honoring of the right-hemisphere, to speak out for the ‘feminine’ principles of relatedness and intuition — ashamedly discounted for millennia.
When what unquestionably governs our world is a masculinized concept of priorities, McGilchrist’s neurologically (and physiologically) grounded position is a welcome ‘objective’ and credible argument adding muscle to the activism so many of us are engaged in. The very visible protests and marches — primarily and necessarily led by women — are a timely and wholly appropriate reaction to the deeply engrained and ancient levels of misogyny that remain all too painfully prevalent and disempowering today.
This new explanation of the personal and planetary price paid for society’s innate tendency to disregard the all-encompassing right-side of our brain calls on us to deepen our understanding of the complexities — and the consequences — of the human condition.
The question then is, while the world holds its breath — whether we be woman or man — can we integrate enough of this knowledge to help ourselves and each other be at peace with the richness of our differences? Can we act fairly enough — as individuals and collectively — to build a ‘center’ able to ‘hold the tension of the opposites’? Can we meet the challenge, together, to cultivate a more balanced and humane understanding — Left with Right? Can we do it before it’s too late…..for ourselves, and our forsaken Mother Earth?
We’re all in the same boat, after all — and it is hitched to everything else in the Universe!
Thursday, February 9, 2017
A Masculinized Conception....
Thanks to the wild and wonderful Candace Pert -- who was the Scarlet Woman of the NIH back when I knew her in 1997 -- after a lunch we had together when an editor at Healthy Living magzine, scribbled in my 'uncorrected proof' of her Molecules of Emotion is what she was up against -- "what is tolerated by our culture is a masculinized conception of knowledge, values, and priorities -- our modus operandi?
A reminder that 20 years ago this was central to my take on the state of the world, and is still, more than ever now, 5 years on from my last post. Now through the lens of Iain McGilchrist's Divided Brain -- under another guise it is more present than ever -- and manifested by, among other things The Million Women march -- and...hallelujah, in so many others around the world in reaction to the extreme example of something close to the worst of masculinity being set by Trump. Alas, whose mother was an immigrant from the Isle of Lewis.
And, thank you Leonard Cohen -- there is a crack in everything, in everything, that's how the light gets in.........
the birds they sang
At the break of day
Start again
I heard them say
Don't dwell on what
Has passed away
Or what is yet to be
Yeah the wars they will
Be fought again
The holy dove
She will be caught again
Bought and sold
And bought again
To be continued.......?
A reminder that 20 years ago this was central to my take on the state of the world, and is still, more than ever now, 5 years on from my last post. Now through the lens of Iain McGilchrist's Divided Brain -- under another guise it is more present than ever -- and manifested by, among other things The Million Women march -- and...hallelujah, in so many others around the world in reaction to the extreme example of something close to the worst of masculinity being set by Trump. Alas, whose mother was an immigrant from the Isle of Lewis.
And, thank you Leonard Cohen -- there is a crack in everything, in everything, that's how the light gets in.........
the birds they sang
At the break of day
Start again
I heard them say
Don't dwell on what
Has passed away
Or what is yet to be
Yeah the wars they will
Be fought again
The holy dove
She will be caught again
Bought and sold
And bought again
To be continued.......?
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