Sunday, October 12, 2008

Great thanks due to the many people, and a few organizations -- in no order of priority -- from whom my brain and my heart may have learned a little something, and who mean a lot:

Institute of Noetic Sciences, New Dimensions Radio, Resurgence magazine, New York Open Center, Bioneers, Marion Institute, Omega, Hearthmath, RNLI, WWF, NRDC, LCV,

David Ogilvy, Brian Swimme, Marion Woodman, Thomas Berry, Mary Evelyn Tucker, Mona Lisa Schultz, Joanna Macy, Bruce Lipton, Satish Kumar, David Suzuki, Lou Cozzolino, Michael Toms, Alice Miller, Chief Oren Lyons, Riane Eisler, David Loye, Suzanne Zeedyk, Angeles Arien, Don Kalsched, Virginia Bird, Michael Baldwin, Rachel Newman, Laurie Shapiro for her acknowledgement: To My Mother, Her Mother, and All Our Unmothered Mothers. Elaine LaForet, Judith Shepherd, Susan Dudley Allen, Kath Calabrese, Allie Roth, Venette Arft, Mervyn Talbot, Gill Inglis, Antonio Damasio, Diane Holliday, Sarah Callander, Shaina Sato, Spike, Ralph White, Walter Beebe, Mary Loomis, James Hillman, Anita Roddick, Peter Matthiessen, John and Nancy-Jack Todd, Shirley Maclaine, Margaret Wilkinson, Elizabeth McBride, Carolyn Myss, Stephen Levine, Larry Dossey, Frank Lipman, Annie Berthold-Bond, Deepak Chopra, John Cronin, Andrew Harvey, John O'Donohue, Dougie Maclean, Kath MacRae, Cloe Mifsud, Ali Allport, Mehmet Oz, Paul Pearsall, Stephen Larsen, BonnieDiane, Yvonne Amodeo, Jane Goodall, Mary Lewis, Robert Thurman, Birch, Damel, Rachie, Finn, Deb Bansemer, Thomas Rau, Carl Frankel, Bob Schneck, Danah Zohar, Norma May, Bob Cronin, Val Love, Nan Wile, Pat Macdonald, WAMCE Radio, David Brancaccio, Charlie Rose, Bill Moyers,Knox Martin, Natasha Rabin, Linda Ostrove, Felicity Bax- Taormina, Peggy Harrington, James Parkes Morton, Pattie Ackerman, Earl Davies, Andrew Harvey,Cris Winter, Sybil Davies, David Cotton, Colin Lindsay- MacDougall, Anna Louise, Moke, Leonine Brizendine, Chris Northrup, Deborah Wolf, Alistair Mackintosh, Harold Talbot, Jean Bolen, Martha Harrell, Alan Schore, Dan Siegel, Tom Lewis, Joseph Chilton Pearce, Vandana Shiva, David Barsamian, Rudi Ballentine, Mae Won Ho, Michael Conforti, David Peat, Laurence Van derPost, Julia and Larry Holofcener, Ranulf, Bob Schwartz, R D Laing, John Perkins, Daniel Kouperman, Hazel Kahn, Tina Tinsley, Gail Sheehy, Thaniel Gates, Gayle Two Eagles, Nick Rubino, Peggy Rockefeller, David Whyte, Sam Keen, E C Mackenzie, Kath Tiddens, Dureen Shahnaz, Mary Freeborn, Daniel Cromer, Lou Waters, Sue Wales, Noel Sorrell, Gunter Pauli, Fritjof Capra, Kenny Ausubel, Viv Walker, Tim Rutherford, Rupert Sheldrake, Amit Goswami, Pete Seeger, Nancy Carnegie, Sue Ellison, Nell Quayle, Marianna Lines, Bridge Stephens, Crispin Stephens, Prue See, Jeffrey Sachs, Erin Schulman, James Rankin Rutherford, Helen Elder Rutherford, Geoffrey Gavin, Pat Davies, Kim Bitterman, Jim Glen, Gordon Flagler, Gordon Macrae

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